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Juwan's On The Issue!

As of August 4th, the US National Debt is $35,059,402,347,141,

and counting...
Stay updated and a part of the conversation by volunteering, offering suggestions and making your voices heard! I would like to hear what you have to say. Please reach out, Let's chat! 

Public Safety

  • Roads & Bridges

  • Gun Violence/Gun Control

  • Cori-Friendly Restorative Justice & Re-Entry

  • Work with surrounding States to create Stricter Gun Control Laws

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  • Community & School Policing and Education

  • Educate Our Community with inter-generational problem-solving that is intersectional and practical


  • Childcare Vouchers (6 Weeks - 3 Years Old)

  • Extended Parental Maternity Leave

BPS & Charter Schools

  • No Free Periods, substituting with Enrichment Programs

  • Creating a Community Mental Health parental-approved, unbiased space to address Mental Health, Financial Literacy, Bullying, Sexual Education Programs (Kindergarten - 12th Grade)

  • Tardy Buy Back Program - Pilot Child Retention Implemented in 2011-2012 at Boston Excel High School

  • Expand Access To College & Building Trades

Environmental Issues

  • Plant More Trees, Community Farming

  • Faster & More Reliable Fully Electric Trains & Busses

  • Home & Business Renewable Energy

  • Healthcare for All (Covid-19)

  • Black & Brown Mental Health for Seniors, Veterans, Disabled

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Affordable Housing

  • INCLUSIONARY DEVELOPMENT POLICY - Amend to include a change from 13% to 60% On-Site, Across Boston.

  • Remove Income Cap from BHA & HUD

  • Amend Boston Zoning & Article 80 Process to foster Community Transparency & Developer Accountability.

  • Community Preservation Act: 872 Morton Street (Life Skills Training & Wellness Center (LSTWC) & Steven P. Odom Serenity Garden (SPOSG)

Small Business Development

  • Encourage Business Ownership and increase access to Grants, Loans 101, and Support

  • Protect Social Security, 401K’s, Pensions

  • Raise MA Minimum Wage = Cost of Living

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